March 15, 2011

Ellie Goulding : The Writer

So, today I decided that I don't want to go back in time. Or, I decided I didn't want to go to work. Whatever you want to call it. The money was nice, but I didn't move back to Wisconsin to land in the exact same position I was in when I left 3 years ago. Yeah, I seriously have those thoughts in the morning.

Anyways, the music video above is actually really good. I've been listening to that song on repeat most of this morning :)

There's really nothing too new in my life. I have a new love :) And... for once I think I can believe in love in first sight and that I've found my soul mate. Everything else just seems to pale in comparison. I feel like all the love I've given before was forced... I tried to resist this. I tried to push away, but I couldn't resist the pull... Can someone be perfect? Perfect for me? I never thought so until now. I've never been with someone I didn't want to change or fix in some way. I've also never missed anyone like this before. I've never longed. I don't know how I'm going to handle the next 7 months... I want to say no, I want to stop now, but I can't let it go. I can't let him go. I don't WANT to.

I think I've proven that I don't have much common sense and that I take the long bumpy road in life. Why stop now? It's been interesting so far :)

So, today I have to beat the streets looking for a job! I'm obviously not cut out for a factory job. I'm just not fast paced enough. So I'm looking for a job where quality matters. A job where my employers aren't assholes, at least :)