December 3, 2012

Finally, someone in my family got put in the loony bin.

Well, my niece Mariah got sent to the nuthouse. It must've been on Friday. I just found out today. Mariah was talking suicide and someone told the police. So, there she went. Hopefully she gets some help. They actually took her off some pills she was on. That's good because a side effect of anti-depressants is suicidal thought. Especially in teens. I don't know why she was ever put on them. Who knows how those pills mess with a growing brain? It looks like she'll get to go home tomorrow. Anyways, my mom mentioned it offhand today right befor I had to go to work, and her phone kept cutting out. So I didn't get to talk about it. I stewed and felt like shit while working. Thankfully, I was working with Amy, and she loves to talk. So I got to unload on her, and she gave me a hug :) I think I felt the worst about not being told. It's so hard for me. To go from living with my parents, and close to everyone. I knew everything right away. These days I find out stuff days after it happens. The oddest thing was that everyone Julie told actually kept it to themselves. Bryan knew, and didn't tell my parents. Gina knew, and didn't tell my parents, or Bryan. Even though they both knew. Lisa knew and told no one which is not surprising. She doesn't talk too much about things other than her kids.  Anyways I felt excluded, and then felt like crap because I was feeling so petty. I hate my brain sometimes. I did talk to Julie though. It was nice to hear it from her. And I talked to Amy, and mom, and with Gina for a few seconds. So, Mariah's depression gave me a chance to talk to my siblings. There is a silver lining to everything, haha!

Nothing much has changed. My nephew Tyler sent me a little paper guy named Flat Stanley. I have to take him place and write/take pictures of what we do :) I want to wake up early tomorrow and take him somewhere. The beach for sure. I need to get a stick to attach him to. That way I can put him in the sand.

Aaron is coming home in a week! I'm so excited! He is so amazing and wonderful! I sense that our relationship with be changing soon, but shhhh! Don't tell anyone :) I'm really happy this year will be ending on a good note. It's had it's ups and downs and plateaus. I'll be excited for 2013! I don't like knowing that I'll only be spending half of it with my love, but I'll deal with it when I have to. Bryan's wedding is in June, so I have that to look forward to. It's gonna suck going by myself, but maybe I'll have a friend I can drag along.

Work is work. I make donuts. It's probably one of the most boring jobs ever. I'm going to start applying for a second or different job soon. Retail is probably out, since it will be after Christmas. Maybe the perfect job is out there for me.... Somewhere.... I'm thinking about starting school in the fall. It can't hurt to do some classes while Aaron is deployed. I'm sick of being stuck in a rut, and feeling dumb for not trying.

I can't wait to be home.