March 9, 2010

In between phone calls...

Yup, it's obvious. I haven't posted much on here. This is, in fact, the first of the year! Go me! Speaking of the new year... Well, there isn't much to say. I thought I would have started something by now. My new life, maybe another job, school. I don't know, something. Once again, I'm still in the same place. Sitting on my bedroom floor, typing on my keyboard. But, you know what? That's ok. It's just fine. I'm doing good. I started tearing down the shed in my backyard today. It felt really good to do something. Something productive! To do something where I can physically see results! I love being outside too, and the weather this past week and the week to come has been great! I can't believe spring is almost here. Hell, it is here! This past winter will forevermore be called the lost Winter of 2009. I'm glad I decided to write on here! I really should have a couple nights ago. I had one of those nights where I had such a clear mind. The kind where I can think of anything, do anything... I had some great ideas for stories and things to write and pictures to take and things to paint. But it's gone now. So we'll all just have to settle for normal Linzi, not Brilliant Linzi! Haha!

Right now, I'm just sitting around, waiting for Seth to call me back. I love our conversations! We can talk for hours and hours. It's probably not healthy but it's all we have. I found out some news, but it's not the news I wanted. It's going to take longer for him to get out. There's no one to be mad at. It's not one of those situations. People make mistakes. I realized though, that I've already been waiting this long, so what's another couple months? It sucks. It really does, but it would be just plain stupid to give up on him now! I love Seth, he means everything to me.

So, I've been doing a lot of waiting in my life. I sometimes wonder if that's all life is. One big wait. Have you heard that new song by Carrie Underwood? It's a bunch of fucking drivel. She's singing(from different people's perspectives) about how this is just their temporary home. Where's their real home? Heaven. Lame. Why would you want to live your life waiting to die? Fuck Heaven! I want Heaven on Earth! This is the most beautiful place that I know. Ugh.

Anyways... I'm too tired to finish this post now.

Grace Face


  1. I just realized that this is exactly one year from my first post. So much has changed and definately for the better!

  2. Wow. Pretty crazy. But I know what it feels like to always feel like your waiting on something. Waiting to feel better when your sick, or waiting in line at the store. I just wanna live!

  3. Whenever I hear that statement I think of Good Charlotte's song! And them dressed up in food costumes :)
