November 6, 2012

Election day!

Go vote!
I've been thinking of writing on here for awhile. My sole reader just updated, so now I feel the pressure. I've had some things on my mind.
I've recently been killing time on a site called Reddit. It's got funny content and interesting content, and a lot of cats. But I made an account and comment on some things. The other night I shared a story about a time I drank and drove. It was on a link about daylight savings time, and literally the only story I have about DST. Someone else made a comment about having an extra hour out at the bars, and I said it was better than forgetting and having the bars close early when you're drunk. I added some more detail. Pretty much I drove home drunk and blacked out for a couple minutes while driving home. I didn't expect anyone else to even see my comment. But the responses I got were pretty much along the line of "fuck off, you're a horrible person, I hate you". I understand why someone would come to that conclusion. But I tried to explain that it was just an anecdote. That it was something that happened in the past and that I don't drink and drive anymore.
This got me thinking about how people think about things they read. I was telling a story that was a couple years old. I didn't hurt anyone. I learned from my mistake. Yet, I was still judged and branded a shitty person. Why? Why are people so quick to judge? Especially on the Internet when they have no clue what the other person is like? Do they do it because it's easy? Because they feel self-righteous? I try not to do this. And I think that the way I used to be, and the mistakes I've made have helped me be so tolerant. I don't understand how anyone can be so sure of everything. How is it possible to think you are so much better or morally right, than someone else?  Maybe part of it is religion. I'm sure that when people decided they are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Baha'i, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, whatever, they narrow their acceptance of different beliefs. It's not just religion. Anyone that pigeon holes themselves will irrationally dislike people different than them. Based on the silliest little details that they learn about others. Ok, so I drank and drove once. I never did it   again. I learned my lesson. People like to hate on things that don't fit their view of right and wrong in  the world. When they hear of people going against their beliefs they stop thinking about that person  as a whole. They stop. They see the mistakes. Why? Why are people so intolerant? At what point do  people stop believing that people can change, in rehabilitation, in personal growth?
Hell, when I first moved to my new apartment, I was talking to one of my sisters about the neighbor  that invited Aaron and I over for dinner. She asked if he was cute. I thought for a second and said that  yeah, ,he kinda was. She laughed a nervous laugh and said something like  "oooh". In that tone of  voice that implied that I thought he was attractive and I was going to go knock on his door and have  sex with him. Um... Ok... It was over a month ago, so I don't remember exactly what she said. What she implied was crystal clear, though. Of course she laughed and I didn't say anything about it.  Seriously... Does my own sister think I'm such a shitty person that I'm going to cheat on Aaron? I  love him, and I really believe he's the love of my life. Even if it was someone elses, or some other 
circumstance... I'm never going to do that again.
I think people hear cliches about these things so often that they stop being accepting to change. "Once a cheater, always a cheater", etc, They say things like "stereotypes are true for a reason" and say that  everyone they've met fits those stereotypes/cliches.
So what?
Open your mind, your heart. We are only on this earth for a short time. There is no time to hate others because you are too small minded. Take off the blinders and love one another. No matter your sex, your sexual orientation, your religion, your region, your marital staus, your upbringing, your job, your political party... You deserve to have the benefit of the doubt, some love and a chance to prove  yourself... Your whole being. No one should be judged by one story.


  1. So am I the sole reader? LOL! To answer one thing at a time. Well reddit is pretty funny. Joe and I will look at stuff together sometimes before bed. But people always get a strange thing of courage to be super rude behind a keyboard. They get a weird sense of self righteousness and want to tell you how it is with making you feel the lowest you can. Also forget your sister. I feel like she set you up for a question so she could cast judgment on you for asking such a pointed question. But she must believe the once a cheater always a cheater thing. I think that answers it all. :)

  2. Thanks, Britt! I think another thing people do is look at a simple statement, and pick it apart. They don't take things at face value, or in context. So, instead of thinking(in this case) that I'm being dry and witty, they immediately see "drove drunk" and think BAD! Then proceed to stick with that one idea. Imagine if I for some reason got offended because you lol'd about being my sole reader? Do you think that's funny? Haha... Or you telling me to forget my sister. I'm not going to do that. It helps that I know you :) Since you've been on Reddit, you know what those people are like. Everyone wants to be original, when they find out they aren't they just become stupid and mean.
