April 24, 2011


I had this whole post written in my head. Of course, now that it's time to write it, I'm lost for words. I'm just not feeling very good right now. When it comes to talking about depression, I'm always at a loss... I know there are people that know how I feel. There's always a feeling of guilt. What's wrong with me? Why can't I handle these emotions? Isn't there enough wrong with me? I can't ever talk about how I feel. I can only imagine how I would sound. How selfish... How egotistical... Narcissistic...

Depression is a horrible... parasite. Yes, a parasite, eating all the negative emotions... Bringing them to surface, from their carefully hidden spots in the back of my mind. They are painfully drug out and spun wildly around in my head, like a maniacal carousel of woe.

OK, maybe that's a little over the top... Haha...

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