February 26, 2009

I'm falling behind...

Robin is totally putting me to shame. All those added personality tests and drunken ramblings... Mean while, I forgot I had made a new blog. I slept for 20 hours last night. It was awesome. I feel like i could take on the world!! Ha ha ha. At least I'm good at some thing! My sister's dog is having puppies. She just left her husband a couple weeks ago, so I'm sure she's looking forward to the extra cash. I heard some noises a little bit ago, so I loaded up the shotgun, but ALAS! There is no one. So, I'm just sitting upstairs with a loaded shotgun... Ben would be so proud! The pathetic part is that I forgot how to load it. So if someone had broken in, I would be toast! Tendertoast!
My darling mother-in-law sent us 11, yes, 11, bottles of mustard and about ten pounds of sausage today. I guess we won't have to go shopping for mustard for the next year! Yay! This weekend, or maybe tonight, we're gonna go bowling for real, doggies. I'm gonna kick ass. I haven't bowled in a year... We'll probably drink copious amounts of alcohol. This place is lame. We don't even have a Culver's. It's really sad when Culver's is something that you miss. I wish I could get a double bacon cheeseburger, deep fried in butter, on a buttered bun and wrapped in deep fried cheese... Yummmm. Culvers. I did have a deep fried hamburger once. I think parts of that sandwich are still stuck in my
Gosh, writing feels so weird now. Back in the day, it was like taptaptaptaptaptaptaptap... Now it's tap tap tap, think think think, tap, think, drink coffee, think, tap tap taptap, stretch aching back, think, coffee, tap, give up.
I finished a really good book last night. It was called White Witch, Black Curse... It's part of a series I read by Kim Harrison. She's an awesome urban fantasy writer! It had the perfect ending too! It's really hard to have a happy ending at the end of a book, in a series. Because you still want the readers to know that there is more drama and conflict coming up! She did it splendidly! So well, that I went back and read the last two pages a couple times! It's is really hard to get that kind of reaction. I know that I'll be able to wait for the next book. I really hate it when authors have HUUUGE cliff hangers. That is just not fair!! Especially when most times, you have to wait a year for the next book.
Done with that topic. We might go shoot Ben's guns this weekend! If we do, it should be loud and angry and superb! I really want to shoot the new shotgun, the Mosin Nagant and the 30-06! Just because I haven't gotten to shoot those off yet! I feel like shooting the shotgun out the window... I'd probably hit someone though! Nix that idea.
All right. I think I'm done.

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