September 16, 2010

Feeling Better!!

Oh my gosh! I am feeling much better since my trip to Wisconsin! I got to see all my siblings and parents and many of my nieces and nephews! I didn't get to see any friends, but that's ok... I wanted to focus on family and letting them and Seth get to know each other! I guess Seth and I are moving to Wisconsin when our lease is up! I let him decide. I don't want to pressure him, but I guess he loves my family! Woo hoo! I hope I keep staying in a good mood and can avoid depression again. I don't want moving to Wisconsin to be a countdown, you know.

We even took our dog, Duke, to Wisconsin with us! He was amazing! He's such a great dog! He rode in the back of the truck most of the way, but he would jump in and out of the cab whenever he felt like it! He also had a blast playing with my mom's dog, Sophie. I think he misses his new friend now that we're back, though! Haha! It was so wonderful to be around my wonderful, laidback, dramatic, beautiful family!

When we arrived back here in Nebraska, everything was different! It was like the roommates thought we were moving out, or something. The whole place was clean, things were moved around. We now have a piano and a washing machine. Seth's Aunt, Uncle, cousin and Grandma moved to Arizona the day we got back. While we were gone Cody and Amanda got a bunch of stuff from them. And that is why we have a piano and washer. Amanda put up a bunch of decorations... I don't like them. It's a lot of Americana and wreaths and hearts/stars... Ugh! I looks like some old people live here! We're in our 20s, we should have modern/contemporary/colorful/pop art stuff!!! Whatever... All I do is hope they move out soon. I don't know when that will be. It sure looks as if they're here to stay!

On a more pleasant note, everyone seems happier here! I'm a lot more chill about things. As long as they don't eat my food, I'll be fine. Seth was bitching about his brother the whole time we were grocery shopping though. It really sucks not wanting to buy good food, because they might eat it! Ugh!

I need to get another job now. I quit Hastings so that I could go home. I don't regret it. I really needed to go home. It was the perfect pick me up!! Oh, and tomorrow I guess Ben is going to a lawyer to file for divorce! Finally.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got the trip in. I was wondering aobut your job, but you just explained that. That's cool your going to move to Wisconsin. Hopefully your lease isn't that long so you'll be back before you know it.
