July 1, 2011

I got a paper route! And I'm quitting it already, haha... I need a real job. And my body feels like it got run over by a truck. It's my own fault. I should have done the job in a more efficient way.

So, I'm back to square one. I don't know if I even made it to square two, but I tried :) donating plasma isn't working out either. Between having a high pulse, conflicting schedules and being tired as an overworked mule, I haven't been able to successfully donate.

Today it's going to be hot, damn hot!

I'm just glad I can enjoy it :) no papers tomorrow! I don't know if I'll be able to watch fireworks on Sunday night... I haven't missed fireworks since...well, I don't even know. It's only my third favorite holiday. I can miss it.

That's all for now. I just realized that is has been a while since I wrote on here.


  1. I delivered papers like 4 years almost. Freaken sucked, but it was money. If ya can stick it out till christmas that's where the big bucks are for tips. I usually made about $150 in tips give or take. But I had two routes and sometimes over 60 papers to deliver. Good luck!

  2. Yeah, I was surprised to find out I get tips! So far I've made about 30 bucks. My paper route is(was) 94 papers on a regular day and 137 on Sundays and Wednesdays! Since practically day one, I've had someone else do the action advertisers. Those take hours! Delivering 482 heavy papers just wasn't something I was up to! I'm done on Friday and I can't wait!
