May 29, 2011

Exit Through The Gift Shop

I've been trying to watch this documentary for a while, and I finally did this morning. Exit Through The Gift Shop was hilarious. For once I didn't look up anything about it before I watched it, a strange occurrence in the digital information age, and I was more than pleasantly surprised! I already knew it was about street art, and that it had been directed by Banksy. It starts off as a serious documentary about the rise of street art, or about one man's arrival onto the secretive scene of street art, and quickly becomes about Thierry Guetta, a strange creature with a camera constantly in hand. The whole documentary is worth a watch, but it really comes into it's own in the last 20 minutes or so... There have been rumors that it really is a mockumentary, created by Banksy, as just another hoax, but... I really don't know, and that makes me smile. Haha, true or false, watching Guetta's ego build is quite something.

I've been longing to get out on the streets and do some of my own graffiti, and I think I'm THIS close to doing it :) I just need to find some cardboard for stencils. Or maybe I could just freehand it? I haven't spray painted anything since high school, so I don't know how good it will be... And I need more paint.

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