May 25, 2011


I almost don't want to jinx myself by mentioning this, but I have a job interview at 5! It's for Goodwill... I need a job, so I don't really care where it is. It's in a wonderful location for riding my bike or walking to! Hopefully, I manage to make a wonderful impression on them! They're doing a whole day of interviews, and I'm going pretty late in the day. I hope I get picked! Aaaah!!! I'm just stoked to have finally gotten an interview! I almost didn't go because I'm babysitting my sister's kids, but I worked it out, and I don't have to watch them until 6 now.
I went to Milwaukee earlier, to have a pre-surgery physical. I didn't need any labs done. They took my pulse and blood pressure, looked in my ears, weighed me, then told me I was good to go, haha! Afterwards, my mom and I met my sister Amy and my niece Kayla for lunch at Applebee's. It was nice to see Kayla! I haven't seen her in... A while... Um, over a year? Two years? I think it's been longer since I've seen my niece Dana. They're the oldest and they've already moved out of the house and stuff. So it's hard to see them often.
It's been raining all day. I wouldn't mind if it wasn't so chilly. I got to use my umbrella! And it was cool being in a big city and watching everyone run around with their umbrellas. Umbrellas tell a lot about people. Whether or not someone has one, what color it is, collapsible or not, etc. Mine is a long, black one that I found in a garbage can in New York :) I love it, and that cheap thing has worked wonderfully for me so far. I also have one of those giant, stadium ones. My sister gave it to me because it had been in the flood and she thought she'd die from it or something, haha...
I better go get changed and do something with my hair...

Woooo! Job interview!!

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