September 16, 2009

I'm really hungry.

You know... I just feel like saying I'm starving and that I'm going to eat some gosh dang food! Yum! No dramatics from me tonight! Bon soir mes petites....

May 28, 2009


Well... I've stated my case to my old man... We'll see where things go from there. It's getting to the point where maybe I can talk about it. Yes, this is all about stuff from the last post. It's that serious. But, I'm getting scared. What does my future hold? What will I do? I just have to prepare for the year when Ben is gone.
I had a great trip back home! I wish it has been more than a visit. I'll be back in July for over a month though! It's really weird to think that in less than two months I'll be 21! I'm very excited! This is the last hurdle into full adulthood... I'm going to miss being a kid. Because, really, I haven't grown up yet. Being in New York has just made me stay at the same maturity level.

Yeah, I'm married and I pay my bills on time, and I have my own place. I'm just not feeling it. I don't know why. I don't really want to be an adult, or a wife, or supported, or any of this... I've been giving it lots of thought. I've really got no one to talk to about what has happened in the last couple months. I told my sister Julie and then I found out that she was acting really snotty to Ben. So much for confiding in my family. I'll tell my mom eventually and I hope she'll understand. But yeah, most of the things I'm feeling can be summed up in Excited and Scared.

--- Back to being back in New Nowhere... As soon as I got into the car with Ben to leave home, I felt numb. My brain went blank and it felt like I lost my ability to be creative... I think that speaks a lot for how I feel about this place. I can't wait to get out! Sadly I don't get to leave until Ben does... That's ok. It's better that way.

You know what I really hate. Assumptions. Because they make an ass out of u and me.

Now that the secret's out I hope no one makes them. I guess I'll update later.

April 16, 2009


I wish I had someone to talk to about this one thing that I can't talk about. Its in my mind and is brought up everyday by a certain someone and its not going away. I don't want it to. I made what other people would see as a mistake. I see it as something wonderful and magical. I don't know if I'll be able to mentally handle it. I don't know if I am strong enough. Yet, it's not me that I'm worried about. I think I'm going to find my actual journal and write about it in there. I've been too afraid to face myself in those pages lately. Who have I become? What will I be? How will it affect other people? I guess I won't cross those bridges yet.

March 23, 2009


... You realize that the best music in the world is a band you discovered years ago! Seriously... I have "re-discovered" : Pretty Balanced, FreezePop, The Dresden Dolls and Presidents of the United States. There are so many good bands today... But... Come on... Who else is Freezepop? Who else is The Dresden Dolls? No one! Yay! I think that Alternative music these past two years has just died. It will come back some day. It pretty much reached it's peak with My Chemical Romances' The Black Parade. It all about Metal now. Seriously... I already see Metal coming back with a FORCE!!! Which is awesome! I've listened to so much metal this past year though... It was the same with Alt/Emo... What will be the next big thing? Hopefully Electronica again! Admit it... You all know you love electronica! I better go find some X dealers and get ready! Haha!

I had a crazy dream, where I was high. When I woke up I was so mad that I wasn't high... and that Travis Fimmel wasn't still there, looking all hot and scruffy... Quan-di wasn't after me though! And I didn't have to worry about having to protect myself with bean curd. So that was good! To understand the bean curd thing, you'll have to watch My Name Is Bruce. It was pretty awesome!

My wrists hurt now... I'm going to listen to some synth...

March 18, 2009

My Mind Is A Box

Hmm, nothing too new. I talked to my friend Sasha today... This must have been the worst day she's had in a long, long time. She got fired, and for a bullshit reason. Well, not really, but they didn't give her a chance. She needs friends. I wish I was there! I'm starting to have too many friends again! Haha, just kidding... I love all my friends. I'm extremely happy that I have real ones, these days. No, no... I didn't have imaginary friends! That would be a hoot! I don't think I would ever be lonely if I had see-through friends. Hell... Half of them are! I pick up a little piece of folding plastic and I press a couple buttons... and VOILA! Instant friend! Haha... When Ben goes away next week, I don't think I'll go insane this time. The insanity was last weekend. This time I'll have Seth and Mandy... They're cool and have free time! Seth and I can hang out at night and Mandy and I can hang out during the day... Maybe I'll hang out with Missy. Maybe... She isn't so crazy, though. Hmm... Maybe I'll give Jaimie Cooper a call? She'll probably be going to Philadelphia though. I'll chat with Sash a lot. There was someone else I was going to call.. Maybe Jenny? I don't know.

I'm sorry that turned into a stupid list. I will of course call Robin and Brittany! Yay! I hope you don't get too lonely Brittany! I wish I was home. I want to hug soo many people.

Looks like we are going to run out of money... That sucks. It had to happen sometime again. We suck at money management! I just want the bills paid though!

I'm listening to a band called Pretty Balanced. They are awesome... Everything you could want, and get this- they're not METAL!!!!!! Haha... seems like we only listen to metal and hard rock these days! Well..........................................................

I'm hungry.

So, peace out,

March 9, 2009

Moderation? Never Heard of It!

There may such thing as "too much of a good thing"... But too much of a bad thing?
Who's a naughty girl?
I just felt like writing to re-iterate my love of Ben Wood! Thank you for all the wonderful things you have taught me! Thanks for all the adventures! Thanks for changing my life in so many ways... It would take days to list them all!

I also want to say thanks to my good friend, Seth! You're awesome and round out this little New Nowhere trifecta! Life would/will be lifeless without you around! I don't want you to leave!


Well, we saw Motley f-ing Crue Saturday night! Man, it was fucking PERFECT! I don't need to say anything more than: Thank You Motley Crue! Can I have your babies, now?

I'm pretty tired, I was talking on Skype for like three hours. I wish there was time left to get a job. This place blows... But everyone knows that!

Ben will be going to Ft. Pickett on March 23. I don't know why there have to go to Virginia... All they're going to do is shoot guns and use Humvess... He'll be gone 'til the 2nd. Ick... At least, Seth will be here this time, so we can chill together.... I'm going to ride his bike! I haven't ridden a bicycle in FOREVER! By then, the weather will be better! It's been raining a lot! I'm crossing my fingers and knocking on wood!

"No more snow! Please"!

March 5, 2009

Hope It Gives You Hell...

... The Good Mood Continues

Oh, man, do I hope it gives you hell! Two days from now... Man, I'll be seeing Motley Fucking Crue! I can't wait! I'll be with two of my favorite people in the world! And we'll be listening to awesome music! Can it get any better? I don't think so! Hell, NO! Hmm, but what's new? Not much! I recently discovered Skype! It's so cool! It's like teleconferencing! Haha, with my good friend, Seth. I need to get more people to talk to on there. Like my parents! If we go home for Easter I'm going to set up that damn webcam I got them! My dad will be so excited to hear that there is a way to just talk to people on there without typing! Awesomesauce! I can't wait for this next road trip!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god! I haven't been on one in a couple months! There as addictive as meth! Just like music and reading and Tiramasu! Mmm... I need to go pretend I was sleeping! Good morning!

February 26, 2009

I'm falling behind...

Robin is totally putting me to shame. All those added personality tests and drunken ramblings... Mean while, I forgot I had made a new blog. I slept for 20 hours last night. It was awesome. I feel like i could take on the world!! Ha ha ha. At least I'm good at some thing! My sister's dog is having puppies. She just left her husband a couple weeks ago, so I'm sure she's looking forward to the extra cash. I heard some noises a little bit ago, so I loaded up the shotgun, but ALAS! There is no one. So, I'm just sitting upstairs with a loaded shotgun... Ben would be so proud! The pathetic part is that I forgot how to load it. So if someone had broken in, I would be toast! Tendertoast!
My darling mother-in-law sent us 11, yes, 11, bottles of mustard and about ten pounds of sausage today. I guess we won't have to go shopping for mustard for the next year! Yay! This weekend, or maybe tonight, we're gonna go bowling for real, doggies. I'm gonna kick ass. I haven't bowled in a year... We'll probably drink copious amounts of alcohol. This place is lame. We don't even have a Culver's. It's really sad when Culver's is something that you miss. I wish I could get a double bacon cheeseburger, deep fried in butter, on a buttered bun and wrapped in deep fried cheese... Yummmm. Culvers. I did have a deep fried hamburger once. I think parts of that sandwich are still stuck in my
Gosh, writing feels so weird now. Back in the day, it was like taptaptaptaptaptaptaptap... Now it's tap tap tap, think think think, tap, think, drink coffee, think, tap tap taptap, stretch aching back, think, coffee, tap, give up.
I finished a really good book last night. It was called White Witch, Black Curse... It's part of a series I read by Kim Harrison. She's an awesome urban fantasy writer! It had the perfect ending too! It's really hard to have a happy ending at the end of a book, in a series. Because you still want the readers to know that there is more drama and conflict coming up! She did it splendidly! So well, that I went back and read the last two pages a couple times! It's is really hard to get that kind of reaction. I know that I'll be able to wait for the next book. I really hate it when authors have HUUUGE cliff hangers. That is just not fair!! Especially when most times, you have to wait a year for the next book.
Done with that topic. We might go shoot Ben's guns this weekend! If we do, it should be loud and angry and superb! I really want to shoot the new shotgun, the Mosin Nagant and the 30-06! Just because I haven't gotten to shoot those off yet! I feel like shooting the shotgun out the window... I'd probably hit someone though! Nix that idea.
All right. I think I'm done.

February 18, 2009

Totally created blogspot again...

Because I have to be just like Robin! Even though he has a better name... I miss out old blog... I'm an ass for deleting it! I miss the Crazy Place. I'm listening to Tenacious D and I haven't slept all night. I'm not tired. I think I just like being exhausted. I had a crazy weekend... I can't remember most of it though! It was a four day so we were all over the place. Bo was here all four days and that was cool. Cleaned my bedroom... I can see the floor... We have sheets on the bed, too! It's pretty nice. I should do it more often! Haha... Me, clean? Absurd! Nothing too crazy to write... Just another lame day. Oh, wait- It is my sisters' birthday today. Good for them! 31. They old...